# Copyright (c) 2014, Menno Smits
# Released subject to the New BSD License
# Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BSD_licenses
import dataclasses
import datetime
from email.utils import formataddr
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING, Union
from .typing_imapclient import _Atom
from .util import to_unicode
class Envelope:
r"""Represents envelope structures of messages. Returned when parsing
ENVELOPE responses.
:ivar date: A datetime instance that represents the "Date" header.
:ivar subject: A string that contains the "Subject" header.
:ivar from\_: A tuple of Address objects that represent one or more
addresses from the "From" header, or None if header does not exist.
:ivar sender: As for from\_ but represents the "Sender" header.
:ivar reply_to: As for from\_ but represents the "Reply-To" header.
:ivar to: As for from\_ but represents the "To" header.
:ivar cc: As for from\_ but represents the "Cc" header.
:ivar bcc: As for from\_ but represents the "Bcc" recipients.
:ivar in_reply_to: A string that contains the "In-Reply-To" header.
:ivar message_id: A string that contains the "Message-Id" header.
A particular issue to watch out for is IMAP's handling of "group
syntax" in address fields. This is often encountered as a
recipient header of the form::
but can also be expressed per this more general example::
A group: a@example.com, B <b@example.org>;
This example would yield the following Address tuples::
Address(name=None, route=None, mailbox=u'A group', host=None)
Address(name=None, route=None, mailbox=u'a', host=u'example.com')
Address(name=u'B', route=None, mailbox=u'b', host=u'example.org')
Address(name=None, route=None, mailbox=None, host=None)
The first Address, where ``host`` is ``None``, indicates the start
of the group. The ``mailbox`` field contains the group name. The
final Address, where both ``mailbox`` and ``host`` are ``None``,
indicates the end of the group.
See :rfc:`3501#section-7.4.2` and :rfc:`2822` for further details.
date: Optional[datetime.datetime]
subject: bytes
from_: Optional[Tuple["Address", ...]]
sender: Optional[Tuple["Address", ...]]
reply_to: Optional[Tuple["Address", ...]]
to: Optional[Tuple["Address", ...]]
cc: Optional[Tuple["Address", ...]]
bcc: Optional[Tuple["Address", ...]]
in_reply_to: bytes
message_id: bytes
class Address:
"""Represents electronic mail addresses. Used to store addresses in
:ivar name: The address "personal name".
:ivar route: SMTP source route (rarely used).
:ivar mailbox: Mailbox name (what comes just before the @ sign).
:ivar host: The host/domain name.
As an example, an address header that looks like::
Mary Smith <mary@foo.com>
would be represented as::
Address(name=u'Mary Smith', route=None, mailbox=u'mary', host=u'foo.com')
See :rfc:`2822` for more detail.
See also :py:class:`Envelope` for information about handling of
"group syntax".
name: bytes
route: bytes
mailbox: bytes
host: bytes
def __str__(self) -> str:
if self.mailbox and self.host:
address = to_unicode(self.mailbox) + "@" + to_unicode(self.host)
address = to_unicode(self.mailbox or self.host)
return formataddr((to_unicode(self.name), address))
class SearchIds(List[int]):
Contains a list of message ids as returned by IMAPClient.search().
The *modseq* attribute will contain the MODSEQ value returned by
the server (only if the SEARCH command sent involved the MODSEQ
criteria). See :rfc:`4551` for more details.
def __init__(self, *args: Any):
self.modseq: Optional[int] = None
_BodyDataType = Tuple[Union[bytes, int, "BodyData"], "_BodyDataType"]
class BodyData(_BodyDataType):
Returned when parsing BODY and BODYSTRUCTURE responses.
def create(cls, response: Tuple[_Atom, ...]) -> "BodyData":
# In case of multipart messages we will see at least 2 tuples
# at the start. Nest these in to a list so that the returned
# response tuple always has a consistent number of elements
# regardless of whether the message is multipart or not.
if isinstance(response[0], tuple):
# Multipart, find where the message part tuples stop
parts = []
for i, part in enumerate(response):
if isinstance(part, bytes):
assert isinstance(part, tuple)
return cls(([cls.create(part) for part in parts],) + response[i:])
return cls(response)
def is_multipart(self) -> bool:
return isinstance(self[0], list)