IMAPClient Concepts ------------------- Message Identifiers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the IMAP protocol, messages are identified using an integer. These message ids are specific to a given folder. There are two types of message identifiers in the IMAP protocol. One type is the message sequence number where the messages in a folder are numbered from 1 to N where N is the number of messages in the folder. These numbers don't persist between sessions and may be reassigned after some operations such as an expunge. A more convenient approach is Unique Identifiers (UIDs). Unique Identifiers are integers assigned to each message by the IMAP server that will persist across sessions. They do not change when folders are expunged. Almost all IMAP servers support UIDs. Each call to the IMAP server can use either message sequence numbers or UIDs in the command arguments and return values. The client specifies to the server which type of identifier should be used. You can set whether IMAPClient should use UIDs or message sequence number via the *use_uid* argument passed when an IMAPClient instance is created and the *use_uid* attribute. The *use_uid* attribute can be used to change the message id type between calls to the server. IMAPClient uses UIDs by default. Any method that accepts message ids takes either a sequence containing message ids (eg. ``[1,2,3]``), or a single message id integer, or a string representing sets and ranges of messages as supported by the IMAP protocol (e.g. ``'50-65'``, ``'2:*'`` or ``'2,4:7,9,12:*'``). Message Flags ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An IMAP server keeps zero or more flags for each message. These indicate certain properties of the message or can be used by IMAP clients to keep track of data related to a message. The IMAPClient package has constants for a number of commmonly used flags:: DELETED = br'\Deleted' SEEN = br'\Seen' ANSWERED = br'\Answered' FLAGGED = br'\Flagged' DRAFT = br'\Draft' RECENT = br'\Recent' # This flag is read-only Any method that accepts message flags takes either a sequence containing message flags (eg. ``[DELETED, 'foo', 'Bar']``) or a single message flag (eg. ``'Foo'``). Folder Name Encoding ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Any method that takes a folder name will accept a standard string or a unicode string. Unicode strings will be transparently encoded using modified UTF-7 as specified by :rfc:`3501#section-5.1.3`. This allows for arbitrary unicode characters (eg. non-English characters) to be used in folder names. The ampersand character ("&") has special meaning in IMAP folder names. IMAPClient automatically escapes and unescapes this character so that the caller doesn't have to. Automatic folder name encoding and decoding can be enabled or disabled with the *folder_encode* attribute. It defaults to True. If *folder_encode* is True, all folder names returned by IMAPClient are always returned as unicode strings. If *folder_encode* is False, folder names are returned as str (Python 2) or bytes (Python 3). Working With Fetched Messages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The IMAP protocol gives access to a limited amount of information about emails stored on the server. In depth analysis of a message usually requires downloading the full message and parsing its content. The `email `_ package of the Python standard library provides a reliable way to transform a raw email into a convenient object. .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/ TLS/SSL ~~~~~~~ IMAPClient uses sensible TLS parameter defaults for encrypted connections and also allows for a high level of control of TLS parameters if required. It uses the built-in `ssl` package, provided since Python 2.7.9 and 3.4. TLS parameters are controlled by passing a ``ssl.SSLContext`` when creating an IMAPClient instance (or to the `starttls` method when the STARTTLS is used). When ``ssl=True`` is used without passing a SSLContext, a default context is used. The default context avoids the use of known insecure ciphers and SSL protocol versions, with certificate verification and hostname verification turned on. The default context will use system installed certificate authority trust chains, if available. When constructing a custom context it is usually best to start with the default context, created by the ``ssl`` module, and modify it to suit your needs. .. warning:: Users of Python 2.7.0 - 2.7.8 can use TLS but cannot configure the settings via an ``ssl.SSLContext``. These Python versions are also not capable of proper certification verification. It is highly encouraged to upgrade to a more recent version of Python. The following example shows how to to disable certification verification and certificate host name checks if required. .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/ The next example shows how to create a context that will use custom CA certificate. This is required to perform verification of a self-signed certificate used by the IMAP server. .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/ If your operating system comes with an outdated list of CA certificates you can use the `certifi `_ package that provides an up-to-date set of trusted CAs:: import certifi ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=certifi.where()) If the server supports it, you can also authenticate using a client certificate:: import ssl ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context() ssl_context.load_cert_chain("/path/to/client_certificate.crt") The above examples show some of the most common TLS parameter customisations but there are many other tweaks are possible. Consult the Python 3 :py:mod:`ssl` package documentation for further options. Logging ~~~~~~~ IMAPClient logs debug lines using the standard Python :py:mod:`logging` module. Its logger prefix is ``imapclient.``. One way to see debug messages from IMAPClient is to set up logging like this:: import logging logging.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG ) For advanced usage, please refer to the documentation ``logging`` module.